
Alco Products

Carte de Alco Products projets récents

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Alco Products est un installateur reconnu et reconnu de notre revêtements beau et durable James Hardie - et nous sommes prêts à vous proposer une transformation à domicile exceptionnelle. Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour commander une consultation sur place avec un devis d'installation gratuit!

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I am a retired federal financial professional accustomed to a demanding, quality environment and outcome. Approaching a new roof to update my beautiful brick, split level home, built in 1962, to last into my retirement years had me in the market "quality shopping," versus "price shopping." Quality shopping will give the best price in the long run. The Alco family and its highly skilled, thoughtful teams met my high-demand standard. Through the process I learned that the sheathing deck was out of code and now very worn after two layers of traditional shingles were removed. The team foreman stepped in to speak to me about this and together we made the decision to replace the entire roof sheathing deck with new 5/8 inch plywood. Installing a heavy designer Grand Manor shingle on an old weakened deck full of holes would not make sense. Alco quickly worked to add this huge additional task to my contract, including Arlington's permit requirement, all of which passed inspection first pass. Their Hardie siding installers worked with me onsite to add additional quality dimension to the vertical siding, conferring directly with me, nicely, with beautiful skill. The Hardie siding preserves beautiful redwood boards and can be custom painted. Alco's Quality Foreman made an advance trip out to ensure that my paint choice met my expectation, which it did first time presented. From a professional contract negotiation with Mr Zak Kreisman, Alco's owner, to delivery of materials to a difficult approach on a privately owned narrow lane, hydrolic lifts for very heavy shingles that protected gutters to be preserved, moving patio furniture a safe distance away and removing nails from the grounds, professional and thoughtful tradesmen and foremen, I have a beautiful new designer, longtime warranty roof, new roof deck and custom siding painted and blended beautifully. Thank you Mr. Kreisman and the Alco family of designers and installers, well done. Mr. Kreisman's expressed standard for success with a client is "Are you happy?" I am very happy!
Denise W. , Arlington, VA
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