
Opal Enterprises, Inc.

Carte de Opal Enterprises, Inc. projets récents

Les entrepreneurs comprennent l’importance de protéger leurs clients et travailleurs. Plusieurs ont déjà transformé leur approche en utilisant la technologie comme moyen de mener une réunion virtuelle. Demandez à votre entrepreneur quelles mesures de sécurité l'entreprise a mis en place pour réduire vos inquiétudes.


Opal Enterprises, Inc. est un installateur reconnu et reconnu de notre revêtements beau et durable James Hardie - et nous sommes prêts à vous proposer une transformation à domicile exceptionnelle. Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour commander une consultation sur place avec un devis d'installation gratuit!

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Everything about Opal Enterprises from start to finish was exceptional. Everyone I encountered was courteous, professional and so nice. It was really astounding. And all the work they did (roof, siding, new windows, insulation, house wrap, edge vents, doors, new overhang on the porch and some decorative soffits) was just perfect. There was not one thing that needed fixing or changing or upgrading. Any issues that arose were handled immediately, not later that day or tomorrow or next week -- They were handled right away. One example would be when the animal guards were removed from the dryer vent and bath fan vents: years ago i had a squirrel living in my attic due to a lack of animal guard. I over-reacted and freaked out when they removed them -- so Sergei went into the dumpster, got them out and put them back up and that's where they stayed til the new ones were installed. I'm sure they did not need to be put back up but they did it to make me happy. Everyone on their crews went the extra mile to do things to please the customer.
Linda S. , Lombard, IL
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