
MasterCraft Roofing Siding Windows

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MasterCraft Roofing Siding Windows: OBTENIR UNE COTATION GRATUITE

MasterCraft Roofing Siding Windows est un installateur reconnu et reconnu de notre revêtements beau et durable James Hardie - et nous sommes prêts à vous proposer une transformation à domicile exceptionnelle. Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour commander une consultation sur place avec un devis d'installation gratuit!

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Really pleased with the Hardie board product and the look, and have received many compliments. My dissatisfaction is a result of the other work and extra work. Contractor utilized the wrong insulation for 4 inch stud walls (insisted in using fiberglass suited to thicker walls, priced several multiples over the cost that I could have purchased the material for had I been able to get to Home Depot without creating a delay claim on my part). The over-thick fiberglass then had to be compressed to fit in my walls, resulting in the same R-value as the 4-inch insulation would have provided per the product literature). Crew also neglected to pack fiberglass around the window frames, even after I showed them directly what I wanted to be done at an exposed location (this was discovered through a void on the interior wall around the window casing after the work was completed). Also hired a poor painting contractor (nice fellow, but did not provide good cover over previously painted wood and left it somewhat streaky).
Mark S. , Stoneham, MA
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